Rebekah Steen of GoldfishKiss.com is my blogger idol.
She's also my fashion idol, art idol, etc. etc. (The list really does go on).
Last year when I had my blogger identity crisis, I took some cues from Rebekah and decided that the sole guiding principle for each and every post I write should be to make sure that it makes someone feel good, even if that person is just me, getting out something that I need to write about.
Now, for the first time, I want to repost one of Rebekah's recent posts because I think this is a message that needs to reach as many people as possible. This post hit me. It's exactly what I've needed to hear/read for some time.
In the week since she shared it, I've given this to co-workers and friends, I've linked to it for bloggers who need to read it too, and most importantly, I've printed it out for myself and stuck it in multiple places where I can see it as a reminder. It only makes sense that I stick it here as well.
Everyone should be reading Rebekah's blog. Every. Day. She's a good, beautiful soul, inside and out.
I can't thank her enough for these words, right when I needed them. Here's to hoping they help someone else the way they helped me.