2015 is over in 38 days.
38 days.
With a little over a month left in the year, this is typically about the time that I start to exhibit a panicked recommittment to my annual reading goal.
A goal I have not met once in the three years that I've been attempting it.
Every year since I started this blog I have attempted to squeeze 50 books in before New Year's Day. And for the past two years I have failed miserably. This year though, with the help of an audiobook subscription, several long flights to and from east coast weddings, and so many great new books out, I've already beaten my previous record.
Over the past four months I've tackled the good, the mediocre, the practical and the books that I couldn't wait to be done with. Like, as in I literally increased the reading speed of audiobooks to almost 2x their recorded pace so that I could get through them faster. And it was still too long.
But I digress... here's my take on what I've been reading (and listening to) lately.