I'm going to be honest: I almost didn't run this half marathon.
I had every intention of running it 3 weeks ago when I was first contacted by Women's Running Series, but then a series of crazy and awesome things happened. First, I was offered a great new job and had to give notice at the place where I've worked for the past 3 years. Second, Ryan and I went to Mexico for a week (more on that later). Third, when we got back, I got a severe case of Montezuma's Revenge.
So there I was, last Friday at 6:30pm, sipping Bud Light at a goodbye happy hour with my old coworkers. The expo where I needed to pick up my bib was exactly 30 minutes away (if traffic was on my side) and it closed at 7pm. My body was destroyed from a week of drinking in the sun and the subsequent removal of everything in my body upon return (thanks, unfiltered ice cubes). And part of me just didn't think I could make it. To the expo, let alone the finish line.

But boy am I glad I did. Traffic was just barely in my favor and thanks to a quick sprint through the expo, I picked up my bib and the awesome goody bag and tech shirt and headed home for some pasta and a good night's sleep.
The half started at 6:30am in Liberty Station, which was a first for me. This was my 5th half marathon in San Diego and the first time that I've had a start or finish line located there. It's the perfect place for it too: there's plenty of parking and open space and tons of great brunch and lunch options within stumbling distance post-race. The weather was gorgeous and just chilly enough to make me glad that I brought my Roxy Atmosphere jacket for the start.

The course took us out of Liberty Station at sunrise down to Harbor Island, where we looped around while enjoying an amazing view of the skyline. Next we ran over to Shelter Island and looped that as well, all the way to Kona Kai resort and back. Then it was back to Liberty Station for the finish.
With the nice weather we get in February, the flat course and, of course, the views, the Women's Running Series half marathon in San Diego is a great choice for your first half marathon or for a racecation destination with friends. Personally, the whole time I was running I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I am to live in this city and how much I'm in love with it. And though there isn't much of a crowd or spectators for this race in comparison to others, this very well may be my favorite half marathon in San Diego.

I finished with an official clock time of 02:35:08. I swear, some days I think I should just suck it up and sign up to be a pacer. I keep thinking that one of these days I'll finally break out of my slump and run the 2-hour half that I know I have inside of me. But it never happens. Instead, I am consistently within 6 minutes of 2:30:00 no matter how much I do or don't train.
Anyway, maybe it was the promise of champagne at the finish line, but this was also the first race where I didn't want to immediately die upon finishing. I felt really good, both physically and energy-wise, and headed straight to the Bon Affair tent for my complimentary electrolyte-infused sparkling wine.

A huge thanks to Women's Running Series San Diego for having me and for putting on such a great race. This is one that I definitely want to run again next year. For now though, it's time to hang up my running shoes for the most part. This Saturday, I'm starting a 28-day diet that restricts my cardio and so I'll be running a lot less for the month of March. It's called the Fast Metabolism Diet and I'm kind of excited to try it. Has anyone else done it before?