I have a major problem.
I've wanted these vintage orange honeycomb curtains from La Gypsy Yaya for months. And I've been wanting to switch out the living room curtains (above, left) for months. This past Sunday I finally went for it and bought them. When I picked them up today, I almost tore the box open (and by almost, I mean I totally did).

The curtains are GORGEOUS in person.Everything I dreamed they would be. I love the way light filters in through gauzy vintage curtains like these. But something is wrong. I don't know if its the white voile curtains behind them (that are necessary so everyone stumbling out of the bar all night can't see directly into our living room), the curtain rod, the orange on peach walls, the fact that they're on the rod via the rod pocket (maybe I'm too used to hanging curtains - should I get curtain rings for them?), the center panel and/or lackthereof, the way they lie flat, I... don't... know. What I do know is that something's off and I'm too OCD about stuff like this to let it go. Did I mention I really like these curtains? How do I make them work?
