For some people, Coachella is like Christmas... better than Christmas actually.
I am one of those people.
It doesn't hurt that it coincides with my birthday every year. What better way to celebrate than with all my friends, surrounded by fashion, music and perfect desert heat?
For four or five perfect days, I don't have to worry about a damn thing. It's simple living, limited to Ryan's truck, our camping space, the polo grounds. Visually it's stunning: the lights, the outfits, the snow capped mountains and palm trees. We wake up, crack open a beer, eat some snacks, listen to music and enjoy each other's company before heading in to see a dozen or so of our favorite bands. We dance in the fields all night and lounge in the beer gardens and people watch. Throughout it all, we barely get any cell reception: the real world is on hold. It's wonderful. And this year was no exception.

Nothing, not water bottle showers, not even a massive sandstorm, can put a damper on this weekend. Besides, these days we know better and come prepared: my tie-dyed pillow case made an excellent face mask.
Our camping set up is really what made this year special though. Thanks to Fireball Whisky, we had the raddest shade in all the campground to cover us while pounding Fireball shots (smuggled in through soda bottles, every year). Everyone loved our event tent and it was nice to have a distinctive one to stumble home to each night, and drink under the glow of our Christmas lights, with bass from who knows where bumping in the background.
As for the music, Arcade Fire stole the show again. But other favorite performances included Queens of the Stone Age, Haim, Grouplove, Skrillex, The Pixies, The Naked and Famous, Pharrell (watched from inside the sports bar), Girl Talk, and Sleigh Bells. Lana Del Ray and Kate Nash were my two biggest let downs and every one else fell somewhere in between.
Thank you Indio, as always for everything. Let the countdown to 2015 begin!