Tree Bad, Fire Pretty


Some weeks are better off forgotten and this has truly been one of them. With all the craziness going on between work and school, even if I'd had the time to blog, I haven't had much happy stuff to blog about. Hopefully that's over now that a couple of things are out of the way.

The wonderful thing is, no matter how stressful life can get sometimes, being home always makes me feel better. Last night I came home from work and spent the evening relaxing with Ryan and the dogs. We grabbed a few drinks next door at the bar, went back home and hung out in the yard and lit up the chiminea (which by far is Ryan's best Craigslist find).

Our Christmas tree has been outside drying out for a few weeks and we decided it was finally time to burn it up while we had a fire going. Over the course of a few hours we cut off all the branches until all that was left was a twiggy trunk (which we're saving for a DIY project that I'll share soon!).

There was something nice about the cyclical nature of burning it up and watching it float off in sparks and smoke. For me, seeing all those discarded trees on the side of the road each year is such a sad sight and I'm glad we could get rid of ours this way instead.