Back in Connecticut, during my sophomore year of college, I went through a Hawaii phase. I blame Iz, that Hawaiian singer who covered "Over the Rainbow." They played it nonstop at work and something about that song temporarily convinced me that Hawaii's version of a laid back lifestyle was much more my speed (or lack thereof) than Southern California's, where I had planned to move after graduating. I watched "Blue Crush" about a dozen times during this phase, bought a ukulele off eBay, and started wearing flowers in my hair and more puka shells than a 90s frat boy. I also researched grad schools in Hawaii and decided I was going to move there and do my Master's in Hawaiian at the University of Hawaii Manoa.
We all know how this turned out.
Needless to say Hawaiian living still appeals to me. I don't think I'd ever want to move there, but I like some aspects of their culture. There, casual Fridays are called Aloha Fridays which is just more fun. It's their way of welcoming the weekend and it originated because businessmen wanted to wear aloha shirts in the office on Fridays. So that's where the recurring title for my 'Friday Five' posts comes from. Without further adieu:
1. Everything is blooming! My amazing boyfriend has the greenest thumb I know. In our backyard alone, he's got a beautiful vegetable garden starting to sprout, a thriving succulent garden, a wall of cacti and all sorts of flowers, including some beautiful morning glories, are blossoming.
2. Even more exciting: last year, under the cover of darkness, we ran across the street and did some guerrilla gardening by the side of the highway. We didn't think it took, but this week, more than a year later, a bunch of poppies popped up!

3. My super adorable Colette Headband from oh, sweet joy! arrived this week! I bought it in Lemon Drop and it is SO perfect for spring. :) oh sweet joy!, $13
4. Foam's 'Escape' issue finally made it to my mailbox. It's been a while since I did the smart thing and subscribed to Foam instead of just buying every issue as it came out. This one is gorgeous with plenty of destinations to add to my travel wishlist.
5. Ryan and I finally started watching 'Happy Endings' this week. I am hooked. Go rent the first season. Now.
Happy Aloha Friday to all of you! :)