Motivation Monday: One Month Down!


A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how I was actually supposed to be in Week 4 of marathon training. Well, at the risk of confusing things, yesterday I finally finished Week 4 of actual training.

Do I notice a difference? Yes, but it's very small. My legs are definitely stronger and more toned. I've lost a couple of pounds and my pace time is dropping. But that's about it. Which means it's time to step it up.

During cross country and track in high school, the first month was about getting back into shape and getting used to the routine of running. Around the beginning of the second month, we started cross training and strength training, trying to bring pace times down, and competing. Seeing as how I haven't even been completing my official workouts (I only ran 22 of the 36 miles I was supposed to run this week), it will be tough to try and fit more into my week, but it's got to happen for me to be prepared come marathon morning!

This week I hope to go register for bikram again and to start doing stairs (ick) once a week. Since Coachella is in 2.5 weeks, my goal is to try and drop 3-5 more pounds and to get my pace time consistently below 11'00" miles. One month down, two to go!

3/18/13 - 3/24/13 Health and Fitness Stats:
  • ran 4 days for a total of 22.5 miles
  • ran my fastest 5K yet at 32:16
  • average pace: 11'00" per mile
  • lost 3.5 lbs in total so far
  • forgot to track my LoseIt Calories this week